His maps are in collections at the Museum of Modern Art, The Free Black Women’s Library, Opus 40 Gallery, Artists Space, The Free Library of Philadelphia, The Woodland Pattern Center, The Scottish Poetry Library, and private collections in nine countries. They've also been featured on CNN, NBC's The Today Show, and Oprah.
Over two decades in the making, his first full-length collection of poetry is called If this is paradise why are we still driving? and is published by the Subpress Collective. As is fitting for poetry, it's barely available, but you are resourceful.
He hosts, with Joe Elliot, Overhear, a new poetry reading series at Lofty Pigeon Books. Each reading includes a cross-generational array of writers, at least one of whom MUST live within walking distance of the reading.
He’s also written several chapbooks, most recently Unfixed Elegy and Other Poems (Butterlamb) He’s had work in the American Poetry Review, Brooklyn Rail, Fence, McSweeney’s, and elsewhere. Since 1995 he has published and edited Lungfull! Magazine, an annual anthology of contemporary literature now in hibernation that prints the rough drafts of contributors’ work in addition to the final versions in order to reveal the creative process.
Despite the photo, he does smile under the right circumstances.